Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Best American Parade (Macy's's), by Rory Enwright

If one were to assume the weighty task of eschewing 99% of the really great parades out there to single out the best 4th of July parade in America is the America's Independence Day Parade, but not the one in your hometown. There's one main, real one in Washington D.C. which is by definition the capitol of America itself. So I think they would know.

Fact: the parade does include between 18 and twenty marching bands that is including fife and drum corps.

History: in 2006, the parade was to commence at 11:45 am sharp, and most likely it did

But: is it America's best parade… period?!

There are other parades, you've seen em. Alright. We've all been in some parades, so. Hometowns are anticipated. Macy's's one is good. There are more good ones, all really good, all the time all over this country.

Only time will tell if perennial favorite America's Independence Day Parade can withstand the challenge and get great odds to emerge… as… America's… Next Top Parade!!

So until then…..

Despite the infinite and/or very good nature of these various parades you have mulled over now, it remains, one is the best. So. Our bet:

It's Macy's's.

Rory Enwright lives in Seattle, Washington.

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